FHB Business Call for Action
Business round table discussion sponsored by Friends of Historic Bristol. Discussing strategies to connect and collaborate to support local businesses.
Business round table discussion sponsored by Friends of Historic Bristol. Discussing strategies to connect and collaborate to support local businesses.
Come and learn about a growing movement to increase local economic vitality - a free event presenting a nationally recognized revitalization expert Donovan Rypkema of PlaceEconomics. Donovan Rypkema will present his study, Historic Preservation: An Overlooked Economic Driver, a Study of the Impacts of Historic Preservation in Rhode Island, and will discuss programs and strategies for boosting local economies in Rhode Island.
Daytime Roundtable Discussion presenting Donovan Rypkema.
Date: Thursday, February 28, 1:30, 3:00 or 4:30 (Invitation Only Event - Reservation required)
Please choose a time for your reservation.
Place: The Old Statehouse, 240 High Street, Bristol,RI
At the afternoon roundtable, Mr. Rykema would like to hear about your local perspective on economic development in Bristol.
To send a request to attend, please contact us.
Friends of Historic Bristol Inc. Annual Meeting.
The Historical and Preservation Society, Dinner meeting with Speaker Suzanne Cherau. She will discuss the discoveries of the remains of an early 19th century rum distillery on the formerly vacant lots owned by Belvedere Hope St Development that fronts Thames St. For tickets, visit: http://www.bhpsri.org/Events.html, $40pp. (See 1/10/2019 Phoenix article on Pg 10).
Keith Maloney, President, Friends of Historic Bristol, will request Request Bristol Town Council to Co-Sponsorship Donovan Rypkema Presentation and Main Street America Program.
The Historic District Commission decision of 7/12/2018, approving the Belvedere-at-Thames development application, was reversed and remanded by the Zoning Board of Review on 10/1/2018. In the 12/27/2018 meeting, the HDC will formulate a response to the ZBR.
The Zoning Board of Review continues its hearing of the appeal filed by 5 abutters who seek to overturn the Planning Board decision to allow the Belvedere at Thames to move forward. The ZBR will review and vote on the Nov 27 decision to uphold the Planing Board Decision. No public comment will be heard at this meeting.
Background: On 10/30/18, the ZBR held a public hearing on the abutter’s appeal of the 7/12/2018 Planning Board Decision. At that ZBR meeting, they heard arguments from all attorneys and testimony from the public. On 11/27/18, the ZBR deliberated on the appeal arguments and denied all points. This meeting will formally accept the decision of 11/27/18.
The Historic District Commission decision of 7/12/2018, approving the Belvedere-at-Thames development application, was reversed and remanded by the Zoning Board of Review on 10/1/2018. In the 11/29/2018 meeting the HDC will formulate a response to the ZBR. The appellants dispute the interpretation of the ZBR remand decision as submitted by the HDC counsel to the HDC in a meeting on 11/1/2018. An appellant objection has been submitted to the HDC.
The Zoning Board of Review continues its hearing of the appeal filed by 5 abutters who seek to overturn the Planning Board decision to allow the Belvedere at Thames to move forward. The ZBR will deliberate and make a decision at this time. On 10/30/18, the ZBR held a public hearing on the abutter’s appeal of the 7/12/2018 Planning Board Decision. At that ZBR meeting, they heard arguments from all attorneys and testimony from the public.