FHB Takes First Step in Economic Development Program

The nonprofit Friends of Historic Bristol brought Donovan Rypkema of PlaceEconomics to Bristol as part of our on-going economic revitalization program, A Brighter Future – Finding Economic Development Solutions. This program works to create a collaboration of business and industry owners, civics groups, nonprofits and local government to develop winning strategies we can use to boost our underutilized local economy. It includes hiring nationally recognized Economic Development experts with proven track-records to bring their experience, insight and models that we, in conjunction with businesses and government and other nonprofits, will customize and implement for Bristol. FHB supports mindful development that enhances our small-town character and supports expanding opportunities for small businesses that grow from tourism and traditional local industries.

Donovan Rypkema is the principal of PlaceEconomics, a Washington D.C.-based consulting firm with extensive experience in downtown and neighborhood commercial district revitali-zation, reuse of historic buildings, and analysis of preservation’s economic impacts. He was brought to Bristol on 2/28/2019 for a series of Roundtable discussions and evening presentation with more than 200 Bristol leaders and citizens from across Rhode Island.

During three Roundtable discussions with some 75 local business owners, Bristol municipal leaders, non-profit organizations, religious leaders, and others, Rypkema explored what economic development consists of and how it has changed in the 21st century. He shared his wealth of experience earned over 40 years as an economist working with towns and cities across the United States and Europe. He reinforced the fact that there is no “silver bullet” that will revitalize our economy and that all groups in town need to join together to be successful: government, business and non-profits must work together because the opportunities and tasks are far too many for any one sector to accomplish alone. He spoke of the wonderful assets we have here, e.g., Roger Williams University, our magnificent historic architecture, our museums and existing buildings that have great potential for re-use.

During Rypkema’s evening presentation at St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, he examined how historic preservation serves as a proven driver of economic revitalization in our nation’s downtowns and Main streets. This presentation is available on the Friends of Historic Bristol website (fhbri.org) on the Resources page at the video section titled “Economics and Historic Preservation: Lessons for Rhode Island and Main Street.”

We want to thank the 200 citizens of Bristol who joined “Friends of Historic Bristol” on 2/28/2019 to participate in a vibrant discussion with nationally recognized economist Donovan Rypkema regarding how we can build on the assets we have to make Bristol an even

better place to live and work. The feedback received from participants was positive. 95% found these presentations to be “informative” to “very informative.” 93% believe that members of the public and multiple organizations should join local government to work on economic development solutions, and 97% were interested in attending future events. Like previous Bristol community forums, the room was filled with the enthusiasm to continue to be involved in the Town. We will take their suggestions and critiques and continue to pursue our mission by engaging the public to grow Bristol’s economic vitality.