Friends of Historic Bristol held its fourth Annual Meeting on February 28, 2022. The nonprofit’s leaders discussed projects of importance to the Bristol community, including the development of the Robin Rug complex, as well as the proposal by the Bristol Middle Passage Port Marker project to seek approval for the location of a commemorative marker at the State Street dock. In addition, the Report of the Secretary on the achievements of the FHB organization in 2021 was received. Read the full Secretary’s Report HERE

During 2021, Friends of Historic Bristol carried out the following initiatives:

  • In February 2021, FHB brought consultants from the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience to meet with the major parties who are researching and/or related to the issues of slavery and its aftermath in Bristol to discuss how best to collaborate and communicate Bristol’s “hard history” related to the treatment of enslaved black people and indigenous peoples. FHB wrote a summary report for future use. Read the Summit Report HERE (opens a PDF in a separate window).

  • During the spring of 2021, FHB carried out field research on the location of empty storefronts in the historic district of Bristol and on municipal tax abatement policies and practices that may impact commercial properties in the downtown historic district. The results were posted on the FHB website HERE.

  • In June 2021, FHB alerted the Bristol community to key happenings regarding the proposal process for the redevelopment of the Robin Rug complex, known as “Bristol Yarn Mill,” by Brady Sullivan, LLC, including the Walk-Through of the complex and the Planning Board’s Concept Plan Review for the proposal.

  • In June 2021, FHB researched and produced an Analysis of the 151 proposed Bristol Yarn Mill units, by square footage and number of bedrooms, for each of the four floors of the Robin Rug redevelopment project, in both summary and for each unit on each floor. See the Resources Report here

  • In December 2021 and January 2022, multiple FHB leaders provided public testimony at the Planning Board’s Technical Review of the Bristol Yarn Mill proposal and the first Planning Board consideration of the Brady Sullivan redevelopment proposal. Numerous areas of concern were highlighted. Recommendations from FHB focused on the need for municipal boards to abide by Bristol Town Codes and Master Plan, which have been carefully established, rather than issue waivers to those codes as the developers are requesting.

Our Vision for Bristol: To be an informed and inclusive community that preserves Bristol’s cultural assets and maximizes the quality of life for all citizens through:

  • Smart-Growth

  • Involved Citizenry

  • Economic Vitality

  • Caring Relationships

  • Government Accountability

Our Mission: Friends of Historic Bristol is a volunteer nonprofit organization that engages the community to enhance the quality of life and advance the vitality derived from Bristol’s cultural, historical and architectural heritage through initiatives and educational programs.

Caroline Jacobus